Did I really just spend 5 hours shoveling snow today? It feels like the 90’s all over again. I don’t know about yours, but these first couple of weeks in the new year feel like they’ve blended right in with those from the end of last year. It’s almost like there was never a line drawn in the sand (or more appropriately, snow) to mark the annual new beginning that yields resolutions and gym memberships.
After reflecting on the year that has past, despite both the hardships and seemingly endless hard work, there were more than a couple bright spots that made all of the bad pills a little easier to swallow. I just wanted to take the time to give a couple of thanks to everyone who helped the medicine go down.

Peace folks, how are y’all feelin’? I hope everyone has been traveling safe and making positive forward movements as thankfully Spring is now upon us. My apologies for the lack of updates. After a very successful SXSW trip, the pace has been relentless through a tumultuous past 6 weeks which was capped off with canceled travel plans as result of a volcanic ash cloud (you couldn’t write a better script in Hollywood). But as seasons change and plans rearrange, this summer is going to be very exciting as we have some announcements coming soon.
In the immediate, you’ll notice some changes to the site. In case you don’t already have them, the twitter and facebook links are up as well as pages with previous and upcoming events as well as a list of upcoming shows that has been added to the sidebar so you can check us out in a city near you. If you will be were in Newark, NJ tonight on May 8th, I hope you come came to Newark Symphony Hall for the Royal Comedy Tour to witness me spinning some classics before the show and during intermission.

Greetings in this new decade and thank you for stopping by. May this new year bring you health, happiness, and much success! Thank you to everyone that has been showing love and spreading the word about the show. I’m thankful for your continued support and thank you for giving me a reason to do this.
Shout to everyone listening internationally in Argentina, Lithuania, Thailand, Germany and Spain and everyone I have encountered in my travels. Let me know if there’s anything y’all want to hear in the shows to come. Here’s to a year of forward movement. Peace and blessings.
For those of you who are new, thanks for joining the movement. For those who remember Bassment Beats from WNHU in Connecticut, thank you for rejoining the movement! It’s very exciting to be able to get the music out to a wider audience and hopefully equally hungry ears. This show has always been focused on providing the listener with an alternative to the commercial garbage that pollutes contemporary media whether on the internet, radio, in the club, or anywhere else. The intention has always been to encompass as many elements of hip-hop as possible at all times in attempt to preserve and maintain this culture that has become such a huge part of the human experience. Untainted, undiluted, and unapologetic.
Let this not just be a forum for me and my encounters, but for you the listener as well. Leave your comments, questions, or concerns. Once again, thank you for supporting….
The best independent hip-hop, global bass & more spun by DJ LOKASH