Tag Archives: DJ LOKASH

DJ LOKASH in New York, NY on 19 Mar 2017

DJ LOKASH in Brooklyn, NY on 18 Mar 2017

DJ LOKASH in Queens, NY on 17 Mar 2017

DJ LOKASH in Brooklyn, NY on 11 Mar 2017

DJ LOKASH in New Haven, CT on 09 Mar 2017

Music from SORRY

Earlier this year an NYC-based production company called Shook Ones had a two-week run of their multimedia theatrical dance piece SORRY at the LaGuardia Performing Arts Center in Queens, NY. DJ LOKASH was invited to play the role of the DJ and provided music throughout the piece. Recorded live in Brooklyn a couple of weeks after the close of the show, this is a mix of some of the music that you would have heard if you were a part of the celebration.


Allison from Bowery Boogie had the idea to curate some music and asked if there was any interest in a project to cheer up our friend DIVA. A lot of these are tracks from some of my favorite records growing up back when it was normal to drive up and down the East Coast to go to obscure shows and skate with random kids from other states because they were your brothers. These were collected well before my first copy of Super Sharp Shooter and the endless stream of 12″ promos and mp3’s of years following. It was a good reminder of where I come from, who I am, and more importantly a collection of tracks from the heart and the days of my first pause-tapes that will hopefully make DIVA feel better.