EVENTS DJ LOKASH in Manhattan, NY on 27 Sep 2017 27 September, 2017 admin this is what @djdmannyc looked like while winning the scratch battle at the first @skratcherny event at @djrockandsoul today… big up @dspliff139, @djamore and the rest of the new #Skratcher fam… . . #skratcherny #rockandsoul #records #battle #deejay #vinyl #scratch #tablism #turntablists #scratching #tablist #turntablist #skratchernj #nyc #djs #deejays #djlife A post shared by DJ LOKASH (@djlokash) on Sep 27, 2017 at 4:33pm PDT
MEDIA NYC Subway Portablist 31 July, 2017 admin When you’re sitting on the train on the way back from the record store and can’t wait to start playing with the new records you got! Shouts to Rock and Soul for feeding the habit.
MEDIA, PODCASTS DJ LOKASH Live at Rock & Soul 9 April, 2015 admin While back in NYC from a round of travels with Cannibal Ox in support of their new release ‘Blade of the Ronin,’ DJ LOKASH was invited over to the iconic Midtown Manhattan record store Rock & Soul on a rainy Friday to drop some tunes…